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29 Ott 2021

Progetto finanziato con il POR FESR 2014-2020 Regione del Veneto

Brofer srl is partner of the «SAFE PLACE. IoT systems for healthy and safe living environments "co-financed by the Veneto Region as part of the POR 2014-2020 Action 1.1.4 (DGR 822/2020) aimed at improving the functionality, usability and accessibility of all classes of devices known to counter the COVID-19 emergency and allow their integration into IoT-based systems, thus creating modular solutions capable of synergistically and flexibly combining different technologies based on the specific needs of various use cases. Duration: 10.09.2020 - 30.12.2022. Budget: € 2,999,480. Total admitted contribution: € 1,973,033.26 For further information:
  • progetto-finanziato-con-il-por-fesr-2014-2020-regione-del-veneto

Brofer Srl - All rights reserved - P.I. 01459590285

Cap. soc. i.v. € 100.000 Reg. imp. PD R.E.A. n° PD - 161099

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